“Finding the Leader Within (FTLW)” programme participants in our class of 2015 are now open to world of possibilities as they can proudly say they have taken a big step towards unlocking their full potential. Pilane Lodge in Rasesa was the stage for Stepping Stones International’s (SSI) 2015 FTLW graduation ceremony. Funded and supported by FACET, SSI’s FTLW Programme has seen three classes graduate and fulfilled its objective to return majority of its participants back to school or into employment.
The FTLW Programme specifically targets youth who experience difficulty completing high school or who are unemployed. The Programme involves a rigorous curriculum that reinforces basic academic, financial, literacy and life skills. The target is get majority of participants either back in school or employed within a 12 month period.
The graduation ceremony was a wonderful spectacle held in a boma-style venue at Pilane Lodge in Rasesa with attendees from SSI’s management including SSI’s Managing Director Lisa Jamu and Operations Manager Tinny Seitei. The ceremony also tied in the graduation of our Aflateen Income Generation Programme, globally accredited by Aflatoon and sponsored by Barclays Bank. Yodit Kassaye-Molosi Community Relations Manager and Racheal Mushaike, Head of Marketing and Communications at Barclays Bank Botswana attended the graduation with the latter offering advice and inspiration to our youth as the key-note speaker.
(Left to right) SSI’s Lisa Jamu (MD) and Tinny Seitei (Operations Manager), Barclays Bank’s Racheal Mushaike (Head of Marketing and Communications) and Yodit Kassaye-Molosi (Community Relations Manager) at Barclays Bank.
The ceremony was a joyous occasion and it was evident for anyone the has known our youth that the programme has tangible results with a noticeable improvement in confidence and a general air of support and community among the participants. This was notable in the way the youth supported each other, making each certificate award a communal affair rather than an individual affair.
The ceremony included performances from “The Soul Brothers”, a local singing group with flair for classic, acapella-style singing. The entertainment offering also involved our ever-flourishing, former FTLW graduates “Yundreamerz Tainment Group,” who offered traditional song and dance. The entertainment showed lovely diversity and expression, a corner stone of The FTLW Programme which seeks to open the minds of our youth and encourage creativity.
The Soul Brothers, perform a classic, Italian song.
We wish our graduates well in the future and always encourage them to use us as a resource for their future development. Our door are always open. This is only the beginning!
We also thank FACET for their continued support. FACET is a true champion for our youth and is truly there For Africa’s Children Every Time.