Aug 22, 2022 | Beneficiaries, Events, News

Our English Access Programme participants under the USAID award went on a field trip to Botswana Meteorological Services where they learned about weather forecasts, weather elements as well as the various instruments used to measure the weather. Our future forecasters enjoyed the day trip and left feeling inspired and motivated to work on their grades with high career prospects in the Meteorology field!
Three cheers for our future forecasters!
Jul 31, 2022 | Beneficiaries, Events, Program Updates

Fun was the theme of the day as the Mochudi DREAMS teams and girls painted the town in shades of colour with the DREAMS Colour Chase! The epic session featured guest speakers including Mrs Botswana finalist Mrs Lesang Pilane, who conversed with the girls about the dangers of ICT to young women. A team from Mr Price were also on the line-up as they discussed self-care, fashion and knowing your correct bra size as well as a testing station courtesy of BUMMHI.
The memorable day was definitely one for the books as the participants filled the skies with vibrant colours!
Apr 2, 2022 | Beneficiaries, Events
The D.R.E.A.M.S. team hosted a Men’s Chill Session with out-of-school young men between the ages of 15 – 24 years in both Tlokweng and the University of Botswana.
The engaging session featured topics including Comprehensive Sexuality Education where the young men learned all about living a healthy lifestyle and implementing a healthy sex life. In addition to the interactive fun games, the participants also had the opportunity to learn more about entrepreneurial skills, employability skills, CV writing, gender based violence as well as HIV/Aids.
Mar 24, 2022 | Beneficiaries, Events
SSI participants joined other participants around the world for an Aflatoun Connect zoom session in celebration of Global Money Week and Aflatoun Day.
Attendees had the chance to recap and discuss the financial literacy skills and knowledge they received during Global Money Week as well as money making ideas they would implement going forward.
Happy Aflatoun Day!
Dec 2, 2021 | Beneficiaries, Events, News
As the year winds down to a close, we are wrapping up the year on a fantastic note with the graduation of more families in Kgatleng District through our Pinagare program!
Family and community are an integral and influential cornerstone in a child’s life. One of the main functions of a family is to create a nurturing environment where children can grow and develop their potential. The Pinagare parenting program funded by USAID, aims to work with both young people and their families to improve positive parenting and cultivate open, caring and trusting relationships between young people and their caregivers. This past week we had the pleasure of graduating more families in Mochudi.
A hearty congratulations to all our graduates!
Oct 1, 2021 | Beneficiaries, Events, News
The month of October officially marks 15 years of serving children and youth in Botswana for Stepping Stones International! In celebration of our birthday month, we kicked off the very first day of October with the #StepItUpWithSSI Walk Challenge! Participants of the walk challenge (now known as ‘Steppers’) documented the first day of their 150km in 30 days walk challenge to empower youth and children in Botswana!
Steppers across the world united as one through this walk initiative from countries including Tanzania, Austria, Ecuador, Italy, Japan, United States of America, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Botswana and more! The #StepItUpWithSSI Walk Challenge has gone on to grow to become a powerful movement, with Steppers as young as 10 years old playing their part in youth empowerment, and we couldn’t be prouder of our Steppers community. Congratulations to everyone for taking part of thisand being a part of an awesome movement!
Step it up with SSI and make a difference!