Dec 10, 2021 | Uncategorised
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is a yearly campaign that is held between November and December dedicated to creating public awareness about violence against women and girls. Programmes, departments and teams across the SSI organisation all banded together through various activities to commemorate and raise awareness about 16 Days of Activism of Gender Based Violence (GBV).
The commemorations started with SSI Letlhakane teaming up with Peacecorps Botswana to raise awareness about the impact of GBV in the Letlhakane community. Our SSI Psychosocial Support Unit took up the baton and hosted a solitary march with Mochudi Police Station and stakeholders to play their part in the fight against GBV. As the commemorations winded down to a close, the USAID funded programme D.R.E.A.M.S. team and D.R.E.A.M.S. girls came together to make their mark to ‘Orange the World’ and stop gender-based violence in their respective communities through an informative and engaging workshop.
Let’s #OrangeTheWorld and end violence against women and children now!

Dec 2, 2021 | Beneficiaries, Events, News
As the year winds down to a close, we are wrapping up the year on a fantastic note with the graduation of more families in Kgatleng District through our Pinagare program!
Family and community are an integral and influential cornerstone in a child’s life. One of the main functions of a family is to create a nurturing environment where children can grow and develop their potential. The Pinagare parenting program funded by USAID, aims to work with both young people and their families to improve positive parenting and cultivate open, caring and trusting relationships between young people and their caregivers. This past week we had the pleasure of graduating more families in Mochudi.
A hearty congratulations to all our graduates!
Nov 5, 2021 | Events, News
Dithunya tsa Rona – a locally-produced film has won big on the global stage scooping three prestigious awards internationally. The film was recently awarded the coveted “Best International Feature Film” at the Annual Baltimore International Black Film Festival in America this past week. In addition, Tshepie Olds, a young Motswana actress on the rise won the “Best Supporting Actress” award from the Garden Route International Film Festival in South Africa. Since the film’s premiered, Dithunya tsa Rona has been making international waves with the film’s producer, Jenny Ledikwe winning the “Best Emerging Filmmaker” at The African Film Festival in America soon after its first premiere.
The film’s Writer, Producer and Co Director, Dr. Jenny Ledikwe said, “Our work combines the science of behavior change with the art of film making to produce captivating content with meaningful narratives to empower people and inspire change. “I feel grateful to have the opportunity to apply my knowledge, skills, and experience to make Botswana a safer place for our children with an amazing cast, crew and partners.”
Dithunya tsa Rona is a 1-hour docudrama which is focused on improving parenting in Botswana and creating safe homes for children, free from abuse, free from fear. The film tackles many challenging issues, including parenting and child sexual abuse. Written and produced by Dr. Jenny Ledikwe and Isaac Marumo, the groundbreaking docudrama is the brainchild of the Stepping Stones International team and is based on collaborative research with the Ministry of Local Government and Department of Social Protection among others. The film was made possible with funding from the European Union, Fonds Humanitaire de Stéphanie Lacroix and FACET Foundation.
“We are really excited about the international recognition the award is receiving and look forward to its official release. The film will be disseminated nationally through collaboration with the government and civil society and will be used as a discussion platform to create a safe environment for our children.” – Lisa Jamu SSI Executive Director
Oct 20, 2021 | Events
Leadership participants were in for a ‘tech-treat’ as they learned all about becoming a Digital Citizen courtesy of the ISACA Gaborone Chapter Foundation.
Participants acquired information on a range of topics including computer components, types of connections, circuit switching the World Wide Web as well as the responsibilities that come with being a Digital Citizen.
The day ended with fun memory quizzes with participants walking away with cool prizes. Thank you ISACA Foundation for the informative session. We look forward to building more responsible digital citizens and community engagements in future.
Oct 1, 2021 | Beneficiaries, Events, News
The month of October officially marks 15 years of serving children and youth in Botswana for Stepping Stones International! In celebration of our birthday month, we kicked off the very first day of October with the #StepItUpWithSSI Walk Challenge! Participants of the walk challenge (now known as ‘Steppers’) documented the first day of their 150km in 30 days walk challenge to empower youth and children in Botswana!
Steppers across the world united as one through this walk initiative from countries including Tanzania, Austria, Ecuador, Italy, Japan, United States of America, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Botswana and more! The #StepItUpWithSSI Walk Challenge has gone on to grow to become a powerful movement, with Steppers as young as 10 years old playing their part in youth empowerment, and we couldn’t be prouder of our Steppers community. Congratulations to everyone for taking part of thisand being a part of an awesome movement!
Step it up with SSI and make a difference!