Junior School Student Receives High School Scholarship

Junior School Student Receives High School Scholarship

“My favourite subjects at Maru-a-Pula are Physics and Mathematics. My ambition is to become a mechanical engineer,” says Aubrey Lenong about his new school.

Aubrey was part of our 2-year intensive United States Embassy funded English Access micro scholarship program.

After completing the program and passing his Junior Certificate Examinations, he was accepted into Maru-a-Pula Secondary School, a highly esteemed private school in Gaborone, Botswana on a full scholarship!

He is performing exceedingly well at high school as a top achiever.

FACET Leadership Programme Graduation (2015) Marks the Beginning of a Bright Future for SSI Youth

FACET Leadership Programme Graduation (2015) Marks the Beginning of a Bright Future for SSI Youth

“Finding the Leader Within (FTLW)” programme participants in our class of 2015 are now open to world of possibilities as they can proudly say they have taken a big step towards unlocking their full potential. Pilane Lodge in Rasesa was the stage for Stepping Stones International’s (SSI) 2015 FTLW graduation ceremony. Funded and supported by FACET, SSI’s FTLW Programme has seen three classes graduate and fulfilled its objective to return majority of its participants back to school or into employment.

The FTLW Programme specifically targets youth who experience difficulty completing high school or who are unemployed. The Programme involves a rigorous curriculum that reinforces basic academic, financial, literacy and life skills. The target is get majority of participants either back in school or employed within a 12 month period.

The graduation ceremony was a wonderful spectacle held in a boma-style venue at Pilane Lodge in Rasesa with attendees from SSI’s management including SSI’s Managing Director Lisa Jamu and Operations Manager Tinny Seitei. The ceremony also tied in the graduation of our Aflateen Income Generation Programme, globally accredited by Aflatoon and sponsored by Barclays Bank. Yodit Kassaye-Molosi Community Relations Manager and Racheal Mushaike, Head of Marketing and Communications at Barclays Bank Botswana attended the graduation with the latter offering advice and inspiration to our youth as the key-note speaker.

(Left to right) SSI’s Lisa Jamu (MD) and Tinny Seitei (Operations Manager), Barclays Bank’s Racheal Mushaike (Head of Marketing and Communications) and Yodit Kassaye-Molosi (Community Relations Manager) at Barclays Bank.

The ceremony was a joyous occasion and it was evident for anyone the has known our youth that the programme has tangible results with a noticeable improvement in confidence and a general air of support and community among the participants. This was notable in the way the youth supported each other, making each certificate award a communal affair rather than an individual affair.

The ceremony included performances from “The Soul Brothers”, a local singing group with flair for classic, acapella-style singing. The entertainment offering also involved our ever-flourishing, former FTLW graduates “Yundreamerz Tainment Group,” who offered traditional song and dance. The entertainment showed lovely diversity and expression, a corner stone of The FTLW Programme which seeks to open the minds of our youth and encourage creativity.

The Soul Brothers, perform a classic, Italian song.

We wish our graduates well in the future and always encourage them to use us as a resource for their future development. Our door are always open. This is only the beginning!

We also thank FACET for their continued support. FACET is a true champion for our youth and is truly there For Africa’s Children Every Time.

Bishop Setlalekgosi Mass Kicks Off SSI’s 10 Year Celebration

Bishop Setlalekgosi Mass Kicks Off SSI’s 10 Year Celebration

Stepping Stones International (SSI) hosted a special church service celebrated by Emeritus Bishop Boniface Setlalekgosi in appreciation of the instrumental role which St. Paul’s Catholic Church in Mochudi played in its founding in 2006. Ten years ago, Bishop Setlalekgosi and the Parish Council of St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Church donated land adjacent to the church for Stepping Stones International (SSI) to establish its youth centre and head office. This land has provided space for SSI to deliver its innovative programmes, including leadership, life skills, psychosocial support, advocacy and community mobilization, to adolescent youth in Mochudi.

The significant successes of its programmes over the past ten years has continued to attract support and funding from many donors, including but not limited to the Government of Botswana, United Nations, U.S. government, Barclays Bank Botswana, Botswana Insurance Holdings Limited (BIHL), For African Children Every Time (FACET Foundation), YCare, Orfund Foundation and Stephen Lewis Foundation as well as the European Union, and other corporate and civil society organisations. These partnerships paved the way for SSI to expand its services to other districts, including Kweneng, Central, Bobirwa, Kgalagadi, Southern, and South East.

We were overwhelmed by the amazing support our mass received. The SSI community responded well with guests from our wonderful local community as well as donors and visitors who travelled a great distance to celebrate with us. We were honored to have (among others):

  • Emeritus Bishop Boniface Setlalekgosi and The Catholic Church Parish Council
  • Former First Lady of Botswana, Barbara Mogae.
  • Kgosi Time Pilane of Mochudi. CEO of Barclays Bank Reinette Van der Merwe, accompanied by Yodit Kassaye-Molosi (Community Relations Manager)
  • Harriet Pedersen, Minister Councillor (EU-EEAS)

These guests highlighted the continued support of our community and donors that SSI is blessed to have.

“Without the support of community and partners we would not have been successful in guiding and assisting our youth.” – The Operations Manager, Tinny Seitei

Executive Director, Lisa Jamu read a prayer from St. John Paul II, requesting strength in families and among youth. She stated that “St. John Paul II inspired her with his words to the youth,“Be not Afraid.” This is a mantra that Stepping Stones International instils in the youth of Botswana to achieve their dreams and not fear the journey it takes to reach them.

To commemorate its 10th anniversary, SSI is launching a campaign entitled #First10Next10 which will recognize and appreciate a decade of successful programmes and partnerships which have reached more than 7000 vulnerable youth nationwide. The #First10Next10 campaign will include several public events as well as monthly activities throughout the year, while accompanying stories, photos, and art from youth, employees, and alumni will be shared on SSI’s website and social media platforms.

Look out for a jam-packed year of celebrations as we highlight our achievements and our wonderful supporters without whom none of the success we have had would been possible. SSI is blessed to have completed its First10 and will continue to partner with organisations like The Catholic Church to serve more youth in Botswana in the Next10.

Non-State Actor Programme to Use Drama Therapy to Improve the Lives of Orphans

Non-State Actor Programme to Use Drama Therapy to Improve the Lives of Orphans

Stepping Stones International (SSI) supported by the Government of Botswana and The European Union are to launch The Non-State Actors (NSA) Programme in collaboration with stakeholders to improve the lives of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) ages 12+ in three areas of Botswana. The project titled “Weaving a web” aims at enhancing services, support and skills for OVC youth from schools in Bobonong and Tutume sub-districts as well as OVC at Moeding College in Otse.

The NSA Programme will focus on three specific objectives:

  • Empower OVC ages 12+ to become actively engaged in driving their own life paths with support from the family:
  • Enhance economic stability by instilling financial, english, and computer literacy skills among OVC in Tutume, Bobonong, and Otse, in particular Moeding College.
  • Strengthen existing social service systems that support and protect OVC in Tutume and Bobonong sub-districts and at Moeding College in Otse.

Part of The NSA Programme involves using creative ways to reach youth in mediums that resonate with them. Twenty seven social workers, guidance and counseling teachers from the Tutume and Bobonong area gathered for a one week training on the 26-30th Oct 2015 in Bobonong.

Training on the use of art and drama as a means of therapy.

The goal of the workshop was to learn how to safely use Art and Drama when counseling vulnerable children and to develop child-friendly counseling techniques. Two Art-Psychotherapists Ms. Rebecca Lunn and Ms. Emma Mills from Circle International Art and Drama Therapy in UK facilitated the training.

SSI representatives and coordinators Mmaabo Setshwaelo (left) and Metsi Ramotsisi (right).

On the last day of training, there was a presentation and exhibition of the art works and other performances. Central Region Director from The Ministry of Education Mr. K M. Koko attended the presentation. We were also honored to have, Mr. B Bajiti (Matshekge SSS School Head), Mma.G. Mashaba (Bobonong JSS School Head), Mma Mazebedi (Bobirwa JSS), Mr. Pusoetsile (Head of Department Mosetlhe JSS). Mr. Mbakile (Head of Social Welfare Office S& CD Bobonong) and Mma M.K Ntirang (Principal Social Work Officer II from S&CD Tutume) also attend the exhibition.

This workshop was a fantastic occasion and very informative for all the parties who attended. The attendees are now in a better position to reach their youth in a powerful medium in a safe way.

We also thank FACET for their continued support. FACET is a true champion for our youth and is truly there For Africa’s Children Every Time.